

Phoenix Wellness Center BD

Your Health and Wellbeing is our number one priority. Our team is dedicated to getting people well and keeping people well

Call Now +880-1675-3806-46

Flat A6, House 203, Road 9, New DOHS. Mohakhali, Dhaka 1206

Hours Of Operation

Mon-Sun : 10:00 am-1:00 am

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It's simple, fast and painless!

Get to know Phoenix Wellness Center

At Phoenix Wellness Centre we operate as a multidisciplinary practice, allowing our patients to experience, receive, and benefit from holistic health care based on a emotional, and physical perspective. We provide leading Physiotherapy, Corporate Health, Occupational Therapy and Psychology services to ensure that our patients receive an overall wellness experience with advice and care like no other.

Friendly Clinic Near You

We believe that everyone in your family can reach their optimum health potential and with optimum health they can enjoy the best things in life. We have been fortunate to work with people from all walks of life (including newborns, children, adolescents and elderly people).

Experienced Counsellor

Our friendly helpful staff are able to take any questions, queries, or comments and either answer them directly or forward them to the appropriate member of Our Wellness team.

Committed To Mental Excellence

Recovery is an evolution, not a miracle.

We believe in a whole body approach to your health and well-being.A harmonious heart mind body and spirit are the foundations for a happy, healthy, heart full life.We are your informed health practitioners, coaches and cheerleaders, specialists in mind, body, emotions and we are here to help!We believe, no one knows your body like you!

We listen.

We share our professional knowledge
We work with you to enhance your growth and development.
We are on your team.

Professor Sunjida Shahriah

Physician, Counselor, Psychotherapy Practitioner

Services We Offer

Bringing Life to Your Smile

Beat your anxiety with therapy

We Have All Your Mental Needs Covered

Being able to travel through relationship challenges with self worth, clarity and compassion means that we come out the other side much more quickly and easily. We help with divorce, finding love, abusive relationships,family breakdown, loss of a loved one, saving your relationship, and finding true intimacy and connection.

Anxiety & depression

Suffering from emotions that you just cant shift? Strong emotions can be debilitating, preventing us from living out our potential in this lifetime. Learning how to process and release these emotions means we can move through them quickly and easily and go forward in our lives with confidence.


Have you been through a trauma that still impacts your life, your feelings and your well-being? Are you ready to release it and become the best version of you without all the pain and fear? We enable the release of deep trauma so you can spend the rest of your life feeling empowered and safe.


Are you an addict? We can become addicted to many things. With a proven process we uncover the root cause of your addiction enabling you to release the pattern of self abuse and eliminate self sabotaging behaviours. We specialise in all forms of addiction.

Business & Career

Are you at a fork in the road and not sure which way to go? Under financial pressure? Release an unshakeable sense of self belief and confidence to help you achieve your life and business success.


Do you struggle to find your voice? Are you able to express yourself emotionally? We work with our clients to break through their own blocks, limitations and patterns for better communication.

Our physical and emotional bodies are intrinsically connected. Realign your emotional self, re-focus your inner sense of self worth and begin to heal yourself from the inside out.
Peak Performance

Striving to be the best you can be? We improve our productivity and performance when we tap into our flow and our sense of creativity. Reaching a deeper state of self worth and authentic confidence unleashes our maximum performance.


We Love to See You Smile

Your story matters

Happy Stories

Creating Vibrant Smiles for Healthy Lifestyles!
I am feeling more positive as a result of the stress relief sessions with Phoneix . They have helped me to live every day with a more positive attitude and the change that is taking place in my life is making me a happier person.
Fatima Akter
I have suffered from postpartum depression and anxiety in silence for almost a year, Phoenix gave me the confidence and encouragement which overcome my depressful moments that may arise.
Marjita Prima